Project Description
Peak Nano Optics, an emerging leader in nano-optics, develops cutting-edge thin-film and plastic-based optics used in military, satellite, and automotive applications. As they grew beyond the capacity of their current facility in Valley View, Ohio, they sought our expertise to fit out a new 48,000-square-foot optics foundry in Macedonia, Ohio. The space would provide a unique environment necessary for optics production, including a 10,000-square-foot clean room. As a former steel processing plant, the building was also ideal due to its thick, vibration-free floors needed for precision optics carving. The new optics foundry facility would significantly increase the production capacity and allow them to ramp up employment from 54 employees to a goal of 200. The project relied heavily on the expertise of the HSB engineering team with clean room design, 4,000-amp electrical service upgrade, power, and infrastructure distribution for this dynamic company. HSB works with processed-based clients to help develop intelligent systems to meet their needs and budget. HSB completed this project in 2019 and has continued to develop further renovations as their needs evolve.